Dr. Robert Rono
Baringo County Health Department
(Kabarnet, Kenya)
Robert Rono is a medical doctor, licensed and practicing in Kenya. He hold a Master’s of Science degree in Field Epidemiology and also currently pursuing a Master’s of Business Administration in Healthcare management. He has over eight years of healthcare leadership and health project management. His career interests are in public health research, epidemiology, health informatics and data analytics and health care management. He has carried out program and research work in neglected tropical diseases with a specific focus on snakebite envenoming. He is a snakebite case management ‘trainer of trainers’ and has trained 50 health care workers of different cadres in clinical management of snakebite envenoming.
I came across snakebite in my practice as a clinician in Baringo County Kenya and was intrigued that such a serious public health had been neglected. Antivenom supply was erratic at best and clinicians did not have confidence in administering antivenom. The burden was unknown and therefore the health managers could not forecast and plan for commodities.
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Dr. Robert's Blog Post
My snakebite origins in a rural pastoralist community in Kenya
I am medical officer working in a rural pastoralist community in Baringo County, Kenya. I first came across snakebite cases during my pre-registration internship in 2012. Having grown up in...