Dr. Geeta Rani Debi
Deputy Program Manager for Community Based Health Care
Ministry of Health and Family Welfare
(Dhaka, Bangladesh)
Dr. Geeta Rani Debi is the Deputy Program Manager of Community Health Program in Bangladesh who is aspiring to train around 13,500 community health care providers (CHCPs) and 5-7 members of multipurpose health volunteers with each CHCP (13.5k x 5-7) who will be trained in providing community education & empowerment and providing appropriate first aid following snakebite. Each team of CHCP and MPHV will cover a rural population of 6,000-8,000. Meanwhile MPHVs from 106 sub-districts out of 491 are either trained or going to be trained by 2020 and will cover all by 2022. To mention that most of the CHCPs and MPHVs are women from local communities, including the tribal communities of Bangladesh.
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